Friday, October 21, 2011

Some one to care for!!!!

You are sipping on the coffee....
Sitting peacefully and wondering..
Wish if someone was there to share that coffee with you..
Sitting beside you and complementing how good you look with that oily hair...
Just staring you sip the coffee....
no matter how you dress and how you look..
Smiles at the way you spill the coffee on his shirt and then removing it with lots of sorry as company..
Makes you comfortable just by saying that "its ok sweetheart! it hardly matters to me!"
You wish that someone is there when you feel all lonely...
Just to hold your hand and say "I am there for you always"
When you are happy you wish that someone is there to share that happiness....
You come all tired after a day's work..
And you wish that someone messages you asking you "how was the day"
You are on your sick bed..
wish there was someone who would sit by your side through the night..
wish someone called up and said "I am so worried about you please take care of yourself"

Suddenly you come back to reality..
Realising that that someone maybe just a dream afterall..
He may never care for you..
What you do...
How are you..
Where are you..
Maybe you have chosen to love the wrong person afterall..
Maybe You deserve someone who would atleast care for you..
Maybe its time you stop loving someone so much...
Maybe its time to stop hurting yourself too much..

Its just a wish after all.
A wish that somewhere someone should care for your existence...